WETAC is a leading independent supplier of batteries and stored energy services in the European market with offices in the Netherlands, Germany, UK, Czech Republic, Swiss and Greece.
WETAC recognizes that in the provision of our products and services we have a responsibility to meet the expectations of our stakeholders.
- We recognize that our social, economic and environmental responsibilities to these stakeholders are integral to our business.
- We aim to demonstrate these responsibilities through our actions and in our corporate policies.
- We take seriously all feedback that we receive from our stakeholders and, where possible, maintain open dialogue to ensure that we fulfil the requirements outlined within this policy.
- We shall be open and honest in communicating our strategies, targets, performance and governance to our stakeholders in our continual commitment to corporate social responsibility.

It’s a Journey !
In particular WETAC recognizes the risks inherent with global supply chains and the nature of substances used in battery technologies. Our CSR management philosophy is to drive best practice through our supply chain that meets and exceeds the expectations set by law and by international standards. As an organization, we subscribe to the following sets of principles and work with our supply base to ensure adherence to:
The UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles, The Joint Audit Co-Operation (JAC), Supply Chain Sustainability Guidelines
WETAC has established a CSR Team, who are working constantly on all CSR topics to keep on improving.
All relevant CSR documents are in the downloads available.
Send an email to csr@wetac.com when you need more information.